This course will help your child build strong communication skills, develop a unique online presence, and gain the confidence to shine on camera.

Sign up now and watch them transform into a confident, dynamic YouTuber with a unique voice and a polished online presence!

About the Course

  • This 8-week course enhances on-camera presence and video creation skills.
  • Each class includes interactive activities, practical exercises, and personalized feedback.
  • Students will develop and refine engaging YouTube videos that captivate and inspire.
  • Learn essential techniques such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and effective voice modulation.
  • Build confidence by using their voice and creativity to connect with and motivate their audience.

The ConfidentLee™ Methodology









Course Syllabus

Class 1

Understand ACM’s redefinition of confidence, distinguish between mindset and skill set, and be introduced to the 6 steps of ACM.

Class 2

Learn the basics of YouTube, identify personal strengths to determine YouTube channel content, and select a topic for a three-part video series.

Class 3

Learn GARVI and identify GARVI for their channel, be introduced to HIBCA, and construct an outline for video 1.

Class 4

Construct an outline for video 2, learn tips for presenting and discover filming basics, and practice presenting.

Class 5

Use HIBCA to construct an outline for video 3, be introduced to simple editing software to add music and effects, and practice presentation skills.

Class 6

Reflect on feedback, review and practice COVEB.

Class 7

Discover how to engage with viewers to build their community.

Class 8

Reflect on goals set in Module 1, set short-term and long-term goals, and share their YouTube

Workshop Goals:

  • Develop a confident on-camera presence by mastering body language and voice modulation.
  • Learn to craft engaging and compelling video scripts that captivate and retain viewers.
  • Build a unique YouTube brand through personalized assessments and creative activities.
  • Enhance storytelling skills to create memorable and impactful content that resonates with your audience.
  • Gain practical experience in video production techniques, including editing, visual effects, and using props to enhance your videos.

Empower your child with the confidence to shine on camera and the skills to create inspiring YouTube content.

How to Support Your Child:

  • Encourage your child to record and review their videos, sharing them with family and friends for feedback to build confidence and refine their skills.
  • Print the student journal PDF emailed to you, as it will be a crucial tool throughout the course.
  • Engage actively with your child’s learning process by discussing their progress and celebrating their achievements. Thank you for your involvement!

Meet the Instructor: Michelle 

With over a decade of classroom experience teaching various grades, Michelle Hausner is passionate about empowering the next generation to find their voice and shine confidently. In the “Be Bold. Become a Confident YouTuber" workshop, she combines her extensive classroom expertise with the ACM 6-step process for developing unstoppable confidence. Michelle's goal is to guide and inspire young creators to embrace their unique talents and boldly share their stories with the world.

Enroll Now